New IELS Gozo video - Discover our school and the island of Gozo

Welcome to our new IELS Gozo video - it's so great to be able to finally show you what we really look like and we think it perfectly captures those elements which make our island and school so unique.

Firstly - the light!

You get a true feeling for just how bright and airy both the learning centre and the Migiarro residence are. Generous sized, modern classrooms which are named after "must-see" destinations on Gozo and comfortable, clean apartments which offer the perfect balance of privacy when needed but also the chance to relax and study together, cook together and plan how to spend your free time together.

Next - so many activities!

Gozo is perfect for adults of all ages who are serious about improving their English and are looking for a less busy, youthful and hectic destination but which has plenty of excursions on offer. Diving, snorkeling and boat trips, beaches and walking tours, Segway rides and jeep safaris - all these are just some of the ways you can explore the island. The leisure department keep up-to-date on all events so you won't miss out on anything - music, wine and beer festivals and of course the traditional villages Festas just to name a few.

Finally - the wonderful family atmosphere!

During your time with us you will certainly sense the most special quality that IELS Gozo has - the care and attention our teachers show in bringing students together in class and how after lessons the multitude of international dinners organised in apartments, barbeques and drinks on the roof terrace, meals at the local Band Club and trips to different beaches - all these things make you feel a special part of a group of people who have shared an unforgettable experience together.

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